This year has already been one hell of a whirlwind. Though this birthday isn't a "monumental number" it has been a monumental year that I won't ever forget.
I have always been one of those people who believes that life happens in your twenties. My twenties were jam packed with all the things. I moved home from Ohio, I adopted my sweet Chloe girl, I went on a solo trip to Europe, I moved 11 times, I visited 16 states, I met a boy, I got married, I bought a house, I became a mommy and had the sweetest little love grace my life,Donald Trump became president, I got served divorce papers, I had THE best summer of my life in 2019, I made it through the covid pandemic, I saw history in the making in regards to the racial injustice in this world, I got divorced, and now I am at the beginning chapter of a new, happier me at the end of my twenties.
Starting my 29th year, I see the beauty in life. I see and feel what it is like to be truly happy and to love myself. I don't have some super philosophical quote to share with you about this final year in my twenties but, I do have 29 life lessons I have come to
give yourself grace.
moments are our opportunity to learn and grow.
it is okay to not be okay.
love yourself first.
catch as many sunsets as you can.
embrace your curls.
find yourself in God.
wasting time with things (or people) that don't spark joy is stupid.
take time to be grateful.
do not skip out on a dance party.
house chores can always wait.
savor every moment of that sweet soul that calls you "mama".
not everyone is in your life forever. some are just there for a season or a lesson.
just say no to flavored vodka.
stand up for what you believe in.
life is already moving fast. don't rush it.
there is nothing wrong with crying.
always take 3+weeks off in between jobs
sometimes life is bs.
be intentional.
foster the friendships that are mutually beneficial.
be spontaneous.
do not let anyone else control you.
ignoring things will not make them go away. handle your ish.
all good things come with time.
do the things you are passionate about.
find your power color and own it.
always buy extra toilet paper and clorox.
never stop believing that you deserve to be happy.
Have you ever asked yourself how many things had to fall into place so you were born? This is a thought that goes through my mind regularly. Life truly is such a gift, and getting older isn’t something we can take for granted at all. We will all die one day. Hopefully at a very old age, with lots of wrinkles on our faces that tell stories about our life. But until that time, I fully plan to keep living my life and enjoying all of the moments. 29, I am here for you!
I have the best feeling about this year and I love that. On my last day of 28, one of my top dreams came true and I got to pet a sloth. If you’re new around here, I am sloth obsessed. I think they are so beautiful and magical and being able to be up close to one has always been a bucket list dream of mine and it has now come true. If that’s not the best birthday gift/farewell to 28/welcome to 29, I don’t know what is.
What is something you would've told your 29 year old self?